South Main believes in equipping parents to teach their Children about Jesus. We are committed to walking
along side families in thier journey of faith.
To acomplish that, there are several ministries specifically geared to families with children. If you have any questions or special needs, please do not hesitate to speak with a host in our HomeFront Center, visit with one of our ministers or elders or contact the church office at 903-657-1408.
Sunday Mornings:
An Attended Nursery is available for ages 0-3 during morning worship. The nursery is located in the hall next to the auditorium.
Bible Classes run from 9:30 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. For more information on locations of classes, click here.
Children's Church is held every 2nd and 4th Sundays during morning worship. Typically, right before the sermon, all children ages 3 - 12 are invited to the front of the auditorium for a brief devotional lesson. Although not required, several children collect coins during the week, which they bring and put in a collection for mission work at the beginning of Children's Worship.
Kids' Praise is held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays. Children 4 years-old through the 5th grade are invited to attend the program held in the Multi-Purpose Building (MPB) during morning worship. The children will be dismissed for Kids Praise shortly before the sermon. Please meet your child in the foyer immediately after services.
Wednesday Evenings:
Bible Classes run from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. For more information on locations of classes, click here.
Other Programs:
The HomeFront Center - Faith begins at home. Even today, with so much of the
world competing for the attention of our children, the real battle front of faith is at home. But families cannot fight the battle or protect thier chidlren without the proper tools and weapons. That is why we have created the HomeFront Center. Located
in our lobby, the HoneFront Center provides mand of the resourses, ideas and information needed to equipping our families to teach and model their own faith to their children and grandchildren. It's Please visit our HomeFront Center for resources such
as studies, books and information about a wide variety of issues facing families.
The Red House - Located just north of the church building, the Red House is open for middle school and high school students most weekdays from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. At the Red House, students are treated to a light snack and can play video games (age appropriate), pool, and other indoor and outdoor games. On Wednesdays, students (and families) are encouraged to enjoy a dinner called Mid-Week Manna at 5:30 p.m. and the evening Bible study which begins at 6:30 p.m.
LTC (Leadership Training for Christ) - This is a program which encourages leadership skills in students in
3rd - 12th grade. Students participate in several events such as Bible Reading, Song Leading, Speech, Drama, Art and more, culminating with a trip to Dallas for a convention event on Easter weekend.
FOCUS Groups - Many of our members meet in small groups for a meal and a time of Bible study. Groups typically meet on Sunday afternoon or evening. To join a FOCUS Group, simply contact the Family Life minister.
Scholarship and Financial Assistance - While many of South Main's programs and activities are completely free, some do have nominal fees. Please do not let cost stop you or your children from participating in any of our events. If you cannot afford the fee or any other cost associated with an event or activity, please visit with the Family Life Minister, a church secretary or any of the congregation's elders or deacons. Many of our members have donated funds specifically to cover such costs.